Watershed RDA open day group photo

As you can appreciate, the regular costs of the upkeep of our ponies, our premises, and our facilities are significant. We receive no funding from National RDA or elsewhere, so it is down to us to fundraise on a continual basis. Our RDA group organises many fun and varied fundraising activities and projects throughout the year, and would so appreciate it if you could support our efforts by taking part, helping with, or sponsoring any of these.

You are most welcome to visit us at any time – not just for a specific event.  We are very proud of our riders, ponies and facilities and thoroughly enjoy introducing people to the Watershed family.

Thank You!

Please find below our upcoming events in 2025

April Easter Egg Hunt

Our riders will be leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of eggs before the Easter break.


Volunteer get together - venue and date to be confirmed

Open Day

Demonstrtions and special guests to be confirmed

2pm, 22th June 2025

The Cotswold Capers

A Gloucestershire MGB Owners Club event to raise money for Watershed RDA. Help required.

6th July 2025

September - AGM

Held in our Mess Room at 7pm

22nd September

Cirencester Street Collection

Date to be confirmed

Our renowned Christmas Lunch

To be held at Coates Village Hall

Date to be confirmed

Term Time Events

Dementia Coffee Mornings are held at 10:30am every Monday during term time. Booking is essential.

Spring Term

  • Who will be first to spot a winter aconite or a visiting nuthatch in our sensory garden in January?
  • Will the postman deliver Valentines to our menage post box in February?
  • We will be keeping our eyes peeled when we go on treasure hunts in March. Will we see daffodils on St David’s Day?
  • April showers will not stop us enjoying our riding this month!

Summer Term

  •  Maypole dancing – probably not but we do have lots of fun with poles.
  •  In June you often find us practicing our dressage for demonstrations. We also enjoy shopping – hunting for wooden fruit, vegetables and groceries in the menage and paying for them at the check-out. Why don’t you come and check us out?
  • We are getting ready for the holidays in July. Sand castles adorn our menage providing fun and games for all.

Autumn Term

  • In September we are “back to school”. Stirrup lengths are checked as every rider seems to have grown!
  • Halloween always haunts the Mess Room in October.
  • The nights might get dark in November but riding continues with our temporary lights illuminating the menage.
  • Tinsel abounds in December – on riders, volunteers, ponies, stables, the garden and the Mess Room.